Please bookmark the above web page as it leads to all the other lessons as well. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me. The 12 lessons cover material that is broad in scope. Some of the subjects covered might be more helpful to you at this time than others, so I’d suggest that you focus on what you find helpful and not be concerned about things that don’t seem helpful to you at this time. I plan to keep the lessons online indefinitely, so no need to rush through them. You can always come back later and review them again if you’d like. Another suggestion is to go through the lessons prayerfully asking God to show you what He’d like you to learn and do, and to help you to put it into practice. To progress in the spiritual life we need God’s grace and guidance and we obtain that through prayer and asking for it. We are all in need of God’s help and mercy.
“Seeking Union with God” Online Spiritual Formation Program•
Lesson #1: Discovering Our Ultimate Purpose
Lesson #2: Our Ultimate Decision•
Lesson #3: An Introduction to Prayer•
Lesson #4: Meditation•
Lesson #5: Problems and Progress in Prayer•
Lesson #6: Growing in Holiness and Virtue•
Lesson #7: Renewing Our Mind
Lesson #8: Your Own Spiritual Rule of Life•
Lesson #9: Stages of the Spiritual Life•
Lesson #10: The Mass and Sacraments•
Lesson #11: Loving God and Neighbor•
Lesson #12: Discernment•