Our Lady of Mount Carmel is a Carmelite Friar order dedicated to the Christian virtues of FAITH HOPE AND CHARITY in our local Community. We are join to the Old Catholic Apostolic Church world wide together we form a community dedicated to the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The White Carmelite Friars order or the Carmelite Friars (known as White Friars because of the colour of their habits) arrived in Hull around 1293. They live on, of course, in the street name Whitefriargate. We are presently located in Hull we will have orders in communities around the UK and the world.

Every day, more people leave the Catholic faith as they feel marginalized, discriminated against, judged and insignificant, from a church that excludes them for being imperfect or because they have made mistakes. 

We provide a legitimate and valid Catholic alternative,  following the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and imitating the primitive Church from Apostolic times, where the very same disciples of Jesus, were called to serve God, as He created them, fathers to their children, husbands to their wives and heads of families worth of emulating by their communities, celebrating the Eucharist around the table in the intimacy of their homes and congregations. 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel OCAC Carmelite Order is a perfect fit for the Catholic who wish to regain or maintain their faith, without having to leave the catholic religion, or resorting to other religions where they have to change their spiritual essence. In our Church, we adhere more to the word of God and the Gospel of Christ, which calls us to His love and mercy, and where He waits to be reconciled with all; not based in institutional laws that judged and marginalize people for being human and imperfect, diminishing any sign of hope for a new beginning, denying an opportunity for learning, reconciliation and salvation.

Our Order and Church is ideal for those who have been away from the beauty of Catholicism or have been prevented to participate fully in the life and the sacraments of the Church. 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel  is governed by Senior Clergy. The OCAC id governed by College of Bishops, which is presided by the Archbishop Primate. Having valid apostolic succession, practicing our faith, liturgy and sacred tradition (legitimacy) and being duly registered according to the respective laws with our name and identity as the Old  Catholic Apostolic Church, in all the countries and places where we are (legality), we can offer the seven sacraments to persons who wish to receive them. 

Regardless of where you are in life, or where you are in your spiritual journey, we offer you the support of our communities and ministers for your spiritual and personal growth, we invite you to explore our pages and learn more about us.

History of the White Camilite Friars. 

Carmelite friary of Hull dates from 1290, and that the chief founders and benefactors were Edward I, Sir Robert Ughtred, and Sir Richard de la Pole, is probably substantially correct. (fn. 1) The earliest mention of the house is contained in a petition of Master Robert of Scarborough, Dean of York, in 1289, for licence to bestow a messuage in Wike-upon-Hull on the Carmelites. (fn. 2) The convent seems to have consisted of thirteen brethren in 1298, when the king gave the friars 13s. for three days' food through Friar Robert de Saunton. (fn. 3) From the royal alms (5s. for one day's food in 1300 by the hand of Friar Geoffrey of Corringham, and 20s. for three days' food in 1301), (fn. 4) it appears that the inmates of the house increased rapidly. It soon became necessary for them to obtain more room both for the friars and for 'the great multitude flocking there to divine service.' Edward I gave them 3 acres in Milncroft outside the walls in 1304, in exchange for their site in the town, and at his request, dated 25 January 1306-7, Clement V authorized them, 23 June 1307, to transfer themselves to the new site by Beverley Gate, and to have the first stone of their new buildings blessed by a bishop. (fn. 5) The archbishop licensed them (17 May 1311) to have their church consecrated. (fn. 6) In 1320 Walter de Scorby and Robert de Barton gave them small plots of land adjacent to their house (fn. 7); and William son of Sir Richard de la Pole, kt., added 1½ acres to their area in 1352. (fn. 8)

Several bequests were made by women to the image of the Virgin in this church. Isabel Wilton in 1486 bequeathed to the Lady at the White Friars a chest bound with iron; Elizabeth Hatfield of Hedon, in 1509, a pair of chaplets of silver with a cross (also a chalice of silver to the church); Diones of Hull, a girdle. (fn. 9) Richard Doughty of Hull, merchant, in 1513 bequeathed to the friars a tenement next St. James's Maison Dieu. (fn. 10) John Fynwell of Hull, 1521, left to the prior his Golden Legend. (fn. 11) Dame Joan Thurescrosse left £4 towards rebuilding the church in 1523. (fn. 12) Sir Thomas Sutton, kt., was buried here. (fn. 13)

Shortly before the Dissolution there were eight friars in the house. (fn. 14) The friary was surrendered by John Wade, the prior, to Richard Ingworth, Bishop of Dover, 10 March 1538-9. (fn. 15) The lands comprised the site with gardens (½ acre) and a close of pasture (1 acre), and three more gardens let to various tenants, at a total rent of 13s 4d. a year. The rents in the town amounted to 20s. a year, and included 12d. from the masters or wardens of the Gild of Mariners for a rent derived from the house called Trinity House, situated on the south of the priory. (fn. 16)